A company from Xeraco gives an irrigation bank to the University
The fair of the inventions of Gandía receives a thousand visits in three days.
The Inventions Fair held at l ‘ Higher Technical School of Gandía strong > has presented an irrigation bank. This platform has been transferred by a company from Xeraco to the University. With it, the students will better understand the irrigation mechanism. A thousand people have visited the show.
The students of l ‘ Escola Polècnica Superior de Gandía strong> can learn all irrigation mechanisms thanks to the transfer by a company of Xeraco of a platform on which this system that studies the effect of wastewater is patent.
The mission of the collaboration between l’Escola and the company is the reuse of urban wastewater in irrigation, in particular the study of the application of those in new irrigation systems, such as underground irrigation.
With the bank the students of l’Escola can practice with the most advanced irrigation modes that exist today. Includes different irrigation modes such as drip or spray.
The irrigation equipment has two clear slopes. Serve as practice the students of the subject of Irrigation and Drainage strong> where you can study the ranges of pressure and flow to which installed emitters work and investigate the goodness of new irrigation materials in different conditions.
The team is composed of five irrigation lines each of different composition. As stated by the Irrigation and Drainage strong> teacher of l ‘ Escola Politècnica Superior strong> of Gandía, JA Sanchos, “the test bench is very useful because makes the student see different elements for drip irrigation and its uses “ em>. The Invention Fair closed its doors with 1000 visits received.